Friday, November 14, 2008

Congrats to Moosey!

What an amazing day! Moosey looked so beautiful and completely happy. These two are so cute together and are truly in love. Thanks for allowing us to come to your sealing, Moosey! We love you and are so totally thrilled for you, Josef and the kids. You'll be a great wife and mom.

Moose's wedding

Moose's wedding and reception?? I hope to see you all there. Juniper and I are going to the sealing today and the reception tomorrow. It'd be nice to see all of you. I am going to take some pics at the temple today and then I will post those pics on this blog. See ya later!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to say hi to everyone and see how everyone is doing? If you would like to see my personal blog you need to email me and let me know your email. Also, Pepper, I would like an invite to your blog. Let me know how you are all doing? I wish I could get together with you all again. We should plan something for the last week of May for our 10 year reunion because I will be visiting most likely then. Let me know if I can help in anyway with plans. I hope you are all getting ready for Christmas and loving life! Take care.
P.S. my email is

Thursday, October 16, 2008


What are y'all up to? This blog is kinda dead! I want to know what you're all doing!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Motherhood is wonderful

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father who has blessed me with my 3 wonderful children. They really make life great and I am so happy to have them. They are truly a miracle and I wouldn't change anything about them. I thank my Heavenly Father daily for the blessing of being a mother.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Baby is turning two!

I thought you would like to see this! My sweet little boy is turning two this week. I LOVE being his mommy! I sure have my rough days, and struggle with being a mom, but I am so thankful for his sweet little spirit in my life. I am a better person because of him!
What are your feelings on Motherhood?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thumper's blog

I'm sure you all got the email too, but I just wanted to put up the address to Thumper's blog! I'm not sure how to add it to the links, so I'll let you do that Timber. :>  It's Love you all!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Favorite Season...Hmmmm...

I'd have to say the transition between fall to winter. I love the first snowfall against the brilliant colors of fall. And I love to wear sweaters, coats, scarves, etc. My least favorite season, though, is dirty snow season.
Love you all,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's a tie...

I'm with all of you - I LOVE fall! It's so nice when it starts to cool down and I don't have to do as much yard work! It's just such a cozy time of year. I feel like baking as well! I also love pulling out my sweaters and boots ( I love boots!)! And I love playing in the leaves and taking pictures in the leaves.
But, I have to admit that Fall ties with Spring for my favorite season. Just as I love when it cools down, I love when it finally starts to warm up after a long cold winter. And just like I love to stop yard work for the year, I love to start it in the spring! And I love spring flowers - they are my absolute favorite!! So, I guess it's a tie between fall and spring!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fall is the BEST!

I totally agree! Fall is super great. The colors, the smells and the yummy food all make the season so wonderful. And isn't HALLOWEEN so much fun?!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My favorite season is... drumroll please...

Fall! I totally agree. I love sweater weather. There's just something exciting when the weather finally starts to cool down and you can pull out your warmer clothes and have a reason to stay inside. I love any excuse to bake something good and it seems like there are many pumpkin recipes that are fun to make. One of my favorite is pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. All you do is get a spice cake mix and add a can of pumpkin and some chocolate chips and there you have it. They are SO good.

Another reason I love fall is I get to pull out my fall decorations. I have tons of pumpkin things and I have a super cute wooden turkey that was my favorite until my girls decided to play with it and now he is missing his beak and his feather's. Poor little guy. I will need to take a glue gun to him and see how to fix the damage. I love decorating with fall colors so this just gives me another excuse to buy more decorations. (By the way Robert's have TONS of cute fall decorations out right now.) I also love buying candles that are in fall flavors.

All of these reason's my friends are why I love the fall.
What is your favorite season and why?

Mine is Fall! I love when the weather cools down and I can wear a sweater! I love the beautiful fall leaves! I love pumpkins and the fall smells!

Monday, August 18, 2008

If you know anyone who is not involved...

in the blog, just have them put their email address on here, and we will send them an email inviting them to be a contributor!
Also, I think we need to hear from EVERYONE that checks this blog! I want to know what is going on in people's lives. I know it is hard to sometimes post on two or three (or six, or whatever!) blogs, but it doesn't need to be long! Just two minute thoughts about your week, or your RS lesson, or any thoughts you have! I will do better myself! Let's get this blog going!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What do you think of the facelift?

Hey everyone! Do you like the new background? Let me know what you think!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Kirby's life in a nutshell

I bet most you know this...but here goes. After Oakcrest I worked at EFY, went on a mission to Russia. Came home and was set up on a blind date with Travis. We were married 9 months later in the SL temple. It's almost been 5 years! And to celebrate we are going to DISNEYLAND...with the kids!

While we were poor college students Paisley was born. Jan 05 we met our Sassy Pants for the first time. She is really living up to her name. She is very independent and doesn't let anyone boss her around. She is really smart with a really wild imagination. You should hear the stuff she says!
Regan joined our family August 07. She is almost 1. I love this age. She is walking all over the place and starting to show her personality. She is also very strong willed. She has the lungs to prove it. Don't mess with her or her stuff. She especially loves otter pops.

We feel really lucky to have these girls in our lives. Travis is a computer programmer, and I am a home economist. I am lucky to be able to stay home with the girls. He brings home the money and I work hard to make it stretch. We don't have a ton of extra but we make it work.

About 2 years ago we bought our first SLR camera. And since discovered that we both love photography, for different reasons. I love to shoot people and he loves to shoot landscapes, flowers and architecture. It has been fun to have a hobby that we both love. We can discuss things together and most importantly its not hard to convince either one of us to buy new stuff. It helps when your husband wants it too. Travis currently teaches a beginning photography class at Hunter High, through community ed.

besides photography I enjoying exercising. Your probably wouldn't guess it but I love to get up early and hit the gym. It makes everything go better.
I also enjoy listening to talk radio. Bob Lonsberry, Glen Beck, Dr. Laura and Dave Ramsey. The best part? They are all on the same station. I just have to turn it off when Rush Limbaugh is on. Not a huge fan of that man....
I like taking the kids to the park and other fun places.
I enjoy shopping, but don't go as often as I would like, remember the home economist part?
I also love blogging. It is a journal of sorts for me. Why is it easier to write on the computer than in an actual journal? Probably because I can post pictures.

Well thats all I can think of for now. It was so fun to see you all at Oakcrest and to read your updates!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

There's Only One Gender Up Here...

I know I've been out of the Oakcrest loop for awhile and I've no excuses! I'm not a big phone person and I could never respond to the mass emails for some reason. Ok, these sound like excuses but there are few of them. So, here's the update...

Nathan and I married in July of 2003. We were introduced by my brother and his fiance. Nathan is originally from the Buffalo, NY area where my brother served his mission and met his lady who was good friends with Nathan! (breathe!) We just like to tell people that we met in the celestial room of the temple. Because that is where we were actually introduced! He's a great person and I love him dearly.

Ok, jobs. Nathan make crowns. Not for Royalty, or Burger King, but for your mouth. He's a Dental Technician. He's in training and will be a CDT soon. Hopefully he passes his test. This occupation is his niche for he is the most detail-oriented, anal person I know. It's amazing he hasn't killed me yet for my messy, artsy ways. He's a good sport. Before Logan was born I worked in an art gallery selling art and doing high-end custom picture framing. I'd been there almost 3 years as production manager. I miss it like crazy but being home gives me some time to do my own art again.

We'd been trying to get pregnant for awhile but our sweet Logan took his sweet time getting here. We've no regrets, though, because Nathan and I loved being just us for 4 years! We did some traveling (nothing too extravagant) and just loved being an aunt and uncle to some great kids!

Now we have Logan Alexander. He's pretty much Master of the House at 4 months old! I'm sure all of you with kiddos can relate! We are now completely enthralled with our new ability to make him laugh. He was a pretty colicky baby but is much more enjoyable. I was almost completely sure he'd be an only child (I couldn't imagine doing this to myself twice!) but my pediatrician kept encouraging me not to give up and that he'd grow out of this fixation with crying all the time! And she was right...he's an absolute gem!

All in all we are so happy! We just bought a condo in Cottonwood Heights. We love the area and our ward. We have great friends and hope to strengthen my Oakcrest friendships! Love you all!

Jennifer, Nathan, and Logan Kay

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What am I up to?

This is so fun to have an Oakcrest blog! Thanks Timber! You're great! So, what am I up to? Well, I have a busy, crazy, but super fun life. I have 3 little boys - Zach (5), Preston (3), and Kyle (3 months). I am fortunate enough to be a full-time-stay-at-home-Mom, and I love it! Though some days the "boy-power" in our house is a little nutty. I am also in the process of writing and organizing a mom's co-op preschool program - which has been a lot of fun! We live in Ogden, and Mike works at the Ogden Eccles Conference Center, is still in school, and is the bishop of our ward (which seems to dominate a large portion of our lives). He also still does videography, so if any of you know someone getting married... (shameless plug!). That's kind of a quick overview of what I'm doing now. It was so fun to see so many of you at the reunion! And I love to check your blogs and see what's going on in your lives! Sure love you gals!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What's up

Hi-this is my first ever blog so I hope I do this right. I am a stay at home mom with my three wonderful children. I am loving being at home with them all. Zach is starting 1st grade in a month and Spencer will be in Kindergarten, so its girl time at home every morning with Brynlee. We love our time together. We are on vacation right now in Arizona and Tristan has a job interview down here tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Right now we live in Layton and are enjoying it there. I hope to be able to check this often but I don't have internet at home yet.

Monday, July 21, 2008

What am I up to these days?

For the next 3.5 weeks I will be staying at home all day everyday with my Logan but as soon as school starts, I will be back to work part-time. I teach Spanish I, II and III at Grantsville High School and I am also the Junior Class Advisor and SBO Advisor. I feel really fulfilled in my life. I have the BEST of both worlds: mommy and teacher. I have been serving as RS pres for 1.5 years and I've learned so much! One thing is for sure: I will always be the BEST visiting teacher.

Big Decisions: 1. we are thinking about selling our cute home in Bountiful to move closer to my work and to get out of debt. 2. Jared is also thinking about switching jobs from Carpenter to Truck Driver. I NEVER thought I'd be married to a Truck Driver but the benefits and money are super great.

We've been married for six years and we have our little 15 month old, LOGAN. Jared is my perfect match and I am so happy I found him. He is super outgoing and lives to serve everyone around him. I am very blessed.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Question of the Week Answer

We unfortunately don't have many family pictures, so here we are, in two different pictures!

I will start! I am loving being the wife and mother of one little boy! My Matthew's are so wonderful! We have a lot of fun together! I just finished working for Butler Elementary School, as an Aide in the OI Unit, which has lots of kids in wheelchairs, and with speech devices. They were so awesome, and I learned so much from them! I now work from home doing Transcription work, which is difficult, but I LOVE it! I love being able to stay home with my little Matt! My cute hubby works at Goldman Sachs, a big Investment Bank for the extremely rich, and LOVES it! He is so happy with his job, which is so nice!
We are very happy! We have been greatly blessed! We just moved in to our new home 6 months ago, which is a huge blessing , in and of itself! It was a complete miracle!
I can't wait to hear about everyone else! I love you all tons!


What are you doing these days?

Hi Everyone!!

Hi! I am so glad that we can keep in touch this way! I thought, for those of you who don't know how, I would give some instructions on how to post.

It is pretty easy to start a new post. Just go up top and click on the "new post" tab (after you have signed in) and then start writing! If you want to add a picture, click on the photo icon (next to the "abc" icon) and upload. The video upload button is right next to the photo icon. When you are finished writing your post, click on the "publish post" button at the bottom of the page. If you want to comment on someones post, click on the comment button below the post. Nice and easy :)

I think this will be a lot of fun! I am going to do a weekly question, so we can all share feelings, etc. Plus, feel free to post whatever you want!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Oakcrest!

What a great time we had on Friday, July 11th at the reunion! That summer of '99 changed my life and I love you all so very much. I am forever thankful for your examples of leadership, kindness and acceptance. I feel like I've known you all my entire life! Oakcrest is so magical and I am thankful I had a chance to be apart of it for one short summer.