Saturday, September 20, 2008

Motherhood is wonderful

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father who has blessed me with my 3 wonderful children. They really make life great and I am so happy to have them. They are truly a miracle and I wouldn't change anything about them. I thank my Heavenly Father daily for the blessing of being a mother.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Baby is turning two!

I thought you would like to see this! My sweet little boy is turning two this week. I LOVE being his mommy! I sure have my rough days, and struggle with being a mom, but I am so thankful for his sweet little spirit in my life. I am a better person because of him!
What are your feelings on Motherhood?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thumper's blog

I'm sure you all got the email too, but I just wanted to put up the address to Thumper's blog! I'm not sure how to add it to the links, so I'll let you do that Timber. :>  It's Love you all!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Favorite Season...Hmmmm...

I'd have to say the transition between fall to winter. I love the first snowfall against the brilliant colors of fall. And I love to wear sweaters, coats, scarves, etc. My least favorite season, though, is dirty snow season.
Love you all,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's a tie...

I'm with all of you - I LOVE fall! It's so nice when it starts to cool down and I don't have to do as much yard work! It's just such a cozy time of year. I feel like baking as well! I also love pulling out my sweaters and boots ( I love boots!)! And I love playing in the leaves and taking pictures in the leaves.
But, I have to admit that Fall ties with Spring for my favorite season. Just as I love when it cools down, I love when it finally starts to warm up after a long cold winter. And just like I love to stop yard work for the year, I love to start it in the spring! And I love spring flowers - they are my absolute favorite!! So, I guess it's a tie between fall and spring!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fall is the BEST!

I totally agree! Fall is super great. The colors, the smells and the yummy food all make the season so wonderful. And isn't HALLOWEEN so much fun?!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My favorite season is... drumroll please...

Fall! I totally agree. I love sweater weather. There's just something exciting when the weather finally starts to cool down and you can pull out your warmer clothes and have a reason to stay inside. I love any excuse to bake something good and it seems like there are many pumpkin recipes that are fun to make. One of my favorite is pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. All you do is get a spice cake mix and add a can of pumpkin and some chocolate chips and there you have it. They are SO good.

Another reason I love fall is I get to pull out my fall decorations. I have tons of pumpkin things and I have a super cute wooden turkey that was my favorite until my girls decided to play with it and now he is missing his beak and his feather's. Poor little guy. I will need to take a glue gun to him and see how to fix the damage. I love decorating with fall colors so this just gives me another excuse to buy more decorations. (By the way Robert's have TONS of cute fall decorations out right now.) I also love buying candles that are in fall flavors.

All of these reason's my friends are why I love the fall.
What is your favorite season and why?

Mine is Fall! I love when the weather cools down and I can wear a sweater! I love the beautiful fall leaves! I love pumpkins and the fall smells!