Monday, July 21, 2008

What am I up to these days?

For the next 3.5 weeks I will be staying at home all day everyday with my Logan but as soon as school starts, I will be back to work part-time. I teach Spanish I, II and III at Grantsville High School and I am also the Junior Class Advisor and SBO Advisor. I feel really fulfilled in my life. I have the BEST of both worlds: mommy and teacher. I have been serving as RS pres for 1.5 years and I've learned so much! One thing is for sure: I will always be the BEST visiting teacher.

Big Decisions: 1. we are thinking about selling our cute home in Bountiful to move closer to my work and to get out of debt. 2. Jared is also thinking about switching jobs from Carpenter to Truck Driver. I NEVER thought I'd be married to a Truck Driver but the benefits and money are super great.

We've been married for six years and we have our little 15 month old, LOGAN. Jared is my perfect match and I am so happy I found him. He is super outgoing and lives to serve everyone around him. I am very blessed.

1 comment:

Melissa Ash said...

Weebs, your family is so stinken' cute! I love your pictures! Thank you for sharing! And, thank you for the Inaugural Post! :)